Vendor Agreement – Waiver, Assumption of Risk and Agreement to Indemnify and Hold Harmless I hereby waive and release Frosty’s Market and Owner of Property Jacalyn Pierce, and its employees from any and all liabilities, financial, and otherwise, for injuries to myself, my family, my employees, or any property of mine, which may arise in any way from services and/or products provided by or as a consequence of my associations with Frosty’s Market. I agree to assume all liabilities and responsibilities, financial and otherwise, for my participation in/with Frosty’s Market. In consideration of the services rendered by Frosty’s Market and Jacalyn Pierce, Owner of the Property, I waive all claims, actions, or demands of any nature, foreseen or unforeseen, that I may have against Frosty’s Market. I hereby waive and release Frosty’s Market, Jacalyn Pierce, Owner of Property, and its employees, owners, and agents from all liability of any nature, for injury or damage which I, my family, my employees, or my property may suffer, including but not limited to any injury or damage resulting while on the premises of the Frosty’s Market or in the surrounding area. I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Frosty’s Market and Jacalyn Pierce, Owner of Property, and its employees, owners, and agents from all claims, or claims by any member or my family, employee, or any other person accompanying me to Frosty’s Market premises or in the surrounding area because of any action by any person, including myself. I authorize Frosty’s Market to do whatever they deem necessary for the safety, health, and well-being of myself, my family, my employees, and customers while involved with the Frosty’s Market including seeking medical assistance. I understand that Frosty’s Market has the right to refuse service to me at any time for any reason. I agree to abide by all rules, regulations, etc. contained in the Frosty’s Market By-laws (Rules and Regulations). I also agree to abide by any regulations added by amendment to this Vendor’s Agreement. I understand that Frosty’s Market will provide me with written notification of any additions, changes, or modifications to the rules and regulations contained herein. I understand that approval by Frosty’s Market is contingent upon approval of the application, which includes but is not limited to, meeting the criteria for all goods allowed to be sold and abiding by the rules and regulations set forth by Frosty’s Market. I understand that should I at any time occupy the premises in a manner contrary to the rules of Frosty’s Market, or in any manner that is hazardous or offensive to the public or other vendors, up on the request of market officials, I shall immediately cease such offending conduct. Failure to immediately conform to conduct as requested shall be cause to revoke the undersigned applicant’s permission to vend on the premises. Upon revocation, the vendor shall promptly vacate the premises. I will be responsible for all Tax Requirements or Licenses required by the state, IRS, or other jurisdictions.



12 + 2 =

This document is only valid through 2024.